UT STEM Community

Why STEM Outreach?

Are you a UT Austin faculty member, researcher, staff or student in a STEM field? We invite you to join the STEM Starts directory to share opportunities, connect with colleagues and explore a wide range of community programming designed to engage PreK-12 students.

By engaging with teachers, students and families through PreK-12 STEM programs, you’ll educate and inspire the next generation, sparking their interest in pursuing STEM-related fields and preparing them for the jobs and challenges of the future.

For UT students, being involved with STEM programming and outreach can help improve communication and teaching skills. For faculty members, involvement or collaboration with community-facing STEM outreach can motivate research and demonstrate broader impact of programs, which is often considered for grant applications and promotions. For everyone, STEM outreach is fun and inspiring, and a key way to give back to the community while encouraging more people to consider STEM careers.

Connect with your UT Community

Explore the many different groups involved in preK-12 STEM outreach at UT Austin! Find groups to join, collaborators for grants, broader impacts projects, and see upcoming programming.

Organization Profiles

How to use STEM Starts

  1. Create a Profile

    • To add organizations and programs to the STEM Starts database, individuals must first create a STEM Starts user profile using their UT EID.
  2. Add Organization

    • Once you’ve logged in, go to “Add Organization” under the Account dropdown.
      • It is recommended that the person on your team that is responsible for updating STEM Starts be the one to create the organization.
      • If the person that handles your organization and program changes please email stemstarts@utexas.edu and we can adjust the user account so you will not have to recreate these upon a personnel or responsibility change.
    • Select your college/school/unit first.
    • Please include the department name before the organization name, if applicable.
    • Include a short description of your organization (up to 200 words).
    • Add a logo/image.
    • Add your organization’s website URL.
    • Add the first and last name of the best contact for the organization
      • Some organizations might leave this blank. If it is a faculty run or a program with only one contact use this field.
    • Add the general information email/phone for your organization.
    • Add applicable social media accounts for your organization.
    • Choose your audience using the dropdown.
      • You can select multiple if you serve more than one audience
    • Add additional program website URLs, if applicable.
    • Indicate if you are accepting UT Austin volunteers/collaborators.
    • Indicate if your organization is open to supporting broader impacts (societal impact) for National Science Foundation or other proposals or collaborations.
  3. Create a Program

    • Once you’ve created your Organization, go to Add Program under the Account dropdown.
    • The programs that you enter this year will show in your account dashboard after they end. Next year you won’t have to create from start but can duplicate this years event and edit.
    • Input your program name and a brief description (up to 200 words).
    • Using the dropdown, select the organization with which the program is affiliated.
    • Select the event type (camp, class/workshop, professional development, curriculum, learning community, tutoring/mentoring, speaker/demonstration, general event or other).
    • Indicate if the event is Single Day or Multi Day.
    • Using the calendar feature, enter the start date for your event.
    • Enter event times.
    • If applicable using the Repeat dropdown, indicate if your event will repeat daily, weekly or monthly.
    • Add the registration deadline
    • Add the URL for registration or more information.
    • Use the slider or input field to specify cost to attend.
    • Indicate if scholarships/stipends are available using the Yes/No toggle buttons.
    • Choose your audience using the dropdown.
    • Choose your intended grade(s) level using the dropdown.
    • Select additional audience information and reach, if applicable, using the dropdowns.
    • Indicate if you are accepting UT volunteers/collaborators
    • Indicate if additional languages offered, and any other special audience information
    • Let us know more about your program to help secure funding for the site including number served, annual amount of scholarships/stipends, and target audiences. We will report out at the end of summer with how many we have collectively served.
    • If you have any questions during the set-up process please email stemstarts@utexas.edu and someone will promptly respond.

Volunteer and Connect with UT STEM Community

Use the search feature in Programs and Profiles to find current events, volunteer opportunities or ways to connect your research to the PreK-12 space.

Explore Broader Impact Resources

The Office of the Vice President for Research, Scholarship and Creative Endeavors maintains a searchable Partner Database as well as many resources to support broadening participation, evaluation, and outreach efforts.

Download the “Broadening Participation with the UT K12 STEM Collaborative” PDF for additional information and grant support.

Youth Protection Program

The university recognizes both its institutional and legal obligations to ensure the safety and well-being of minors while they are participating in sponsored university programs. Visit the Youth Protection Program website for policies and procedures related to engaging minors on campus.

Join the K12 STEM Collaborative

The UT K-12 STEM Collaborative began in 2012 and fosters collaborations and resource-sharing across STEM outreach and education programs offered by UT departments, programs and groups. The Collaborative engages the PreK-12 community in meaningful educational experiences that have a profound impact, empowering participants to pursue STEM education at the primary, secondary and university levels. It also builds partnerships with industry and the community to provide Texas students with STEM opportunities that address issues of disparity and diversity in STEM fields and the growing need for STEM professionals.

The Collaborative currently meets virtually three times a year.

Join here or email stemstarts@utexas.edu for more information.