Educational Resources

We know that STEM education plays a key role in developing the next generation of critical thinkers and innovators, but it can be challenging to find reliable content. The following are recommended and trusted resources for use by educators and families. This list will continue to grow, so please check back.

  • Charles A. Dana Center. Frequency: Varies. Audience: K–16 educators and administrators.
  • Energy Excursions Newsletter. Frequency: Varies. Audience: K-12 STEM educators, curriculum coordinators, instructional coaches, department chairs, and informal educational institutions. Learn about the latest professional development opportunities and online resources provided by the Choose Energy Outreach Initiative.
  • Environmental Science Institute: Hot Science – Cool Talks. Frequency: Varies. Approximately 4 times a semester. Audience: K-12 families, educators, the general public, UT community. ESI offers secure, customized access to news about environmental research. education. and sustainability. Sign up for one of our email lists below to receive updates about Hot Science – Cool Talks events or environmental and sustainability events on and around the UT campus.
  • EPIC + WeTeach_CS Newsletter. Frequency: Every 2 Weeks. Audience: CS educators / TX educators interested in CS. The latest and greatest Computer Science education news is delivered straight to your inbox.
  • GeoFORCE Monthly eNewsletter. Frequency: Monthly. Audience: GeoFORCE alumni and parents, Corporate Sponsors, STEM Camp & Outreach Admin, mentors, and JSG Staff and faculty. Follow GeoFORCE alumni as they achieve in STEM, read about GeoFORCE initiatives that increase diversity and inclusion in the geosciences, and scout opportunities to get involved through our GeoFORCE Monthly eNewsletter.
  • High School Research Initiative. Frequency: Monthly. Audience: High school science and health science teachers. Designed to support educators with resources consisting of upcoming professional development opportunities, free resources from the HRI and other trusted sources, and current happenings in the HRI program.
  • Mathematics Teachers’ Circle of Austin (MTCA). Frequency: Varies – at least monthly during long semesters. Audience: Middle & High School Mathematics Teachers. Communication advertising our free professional development workshops and related opportunities.
  • Texas Advanced Computing Center. Frequency: Monthly. Audience: Anyone interested in learning about societal and scientific advancements powered by TACC resources. TACC news and updates, including education and outreach initiatives.
  • Texas Louisiana Carbon Management Community. Frequency: Quarterly. Audience: Anyone interested in carbon capture and storage. Facilitate sharing among our community members of timely and reliable information about carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) to help bridge knowledge gaps (including a newsletter with links to sources of information as they are located and developed). Education focused on all levels.
  • Texas Science & Natural History Museum. Frequency: Varies. at least quarterly. Audience: PreK-12 educators, families, and the general public interested in TMM’s events and education programs. General newsletter: Be the first to know about exciting exhibit updates. featured events and educational programs. museum news. free days and more! Educator eNewsletter: Get access to educational materials. invitations to professional development workshops and events. information about exhibits and sneak previews of special programs. Event venue updates: Event planners will receive exclusive updates on special venue pricing. venue highlights and event inspiration delivered straight to your inbox.
  • Texas Science Events. Frequency: Varies – usually once a month. UT Austin’s College of Natural Sciences is the academic home to the Texas Science & Natural History Museum, open Tuesday-Sunday (closed Mondays and UT home football game days), as well as the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center in South Austin; the Marine Science Institute and its visitor centers in Port Aransas and Rockport; the McDonald Observatory in Fort Davis; and many public science talks, programs and offerings involving faculty, staff, alumni, and students. This monthly newsletter shares various public offerings from across the college.
  • UT Astronomy Public Event Announcements. Frequency: About 10 times a year. Audience: Anyone interested in UT Astronomy campus events. Receive email announcements of UT Astronomy public events and telescope viewing schedules.
  • UTeach Computer Science Newsletter. Frequency: Monthly. Audience: Computer science educators and high school/district administrators. Get connected to AP CS and Cybersecurity resources. free micro-credentials for K–12 educators. and funding opportunities from UTeach Computer Science!
  • UTeach Professional Development Newsletter. Frequency: Monthly. Audience: K12 Educators. Information about blended learning courses, events, and funding opportunities — plus bite-sized tips.
  • WeTeach_CS Newsletter. Frequency: Weekly. Audience: CS educators / TX educators interested in CS. The latest and greatest Computer Science education news delivered straight to your inbox.
  • WeTeach_Cyber Newsletter. Frequency: Monthly. Audience: K-12 cybersecurity educators and stakeholders. Stay connected with our cybersecurity education-focused newsletter.
  • Women in STEM (WiSTEM) Monthly K-12 eNewsletter. Frequency: Monthly. Audience: K-12 families and educators. Stay connected to upcoming Women in STEM (WiSTEM) and community K12 engineering opportunities with our monthly WiSTEM K12 eNewsletter.
  • Women in STEM (WiSTEM) Monthly Volunteer eNewsletter. Frequency: Monthly. Audience: STEM Professionals, Mentors, Volunteers. Get the latest volunteer and mentor needs from Women in STEM (WiSTEM) and across the community delivered to your inbox.
Programs and Opportunities

Science Near Me offers a wide range of additional STEM programs and events from organizations beyond just UT Austin. See the listing of programs below. Login or Signup to add an opportunity.

The Texas Girls Collaborative Project lists STEM camps across Texas.

The UT Austin Youth Protection Program maintains a list of camps across the university (not STEM-specific).

The Greater Austin STEM Ecosystem fosters deeper collaboration across networks and systems to ensure STEM programming is accessible to ALL students throughout Greater Austin. The learning-centered ecosystem leverages resources supporting STEM education while reducing duplication and amplifying individual organizations and their collective impact.

E3 Alliance is a regional, data-driven education collaborative based in Austin, Texas. We are helping to build the strongest educational pipeline in the country to drive regional economic prosperity. As the pioneer in collective impact, E3 teams up with a broad range of community representatives to work together on achieving lasting systemic change.


The Charles A. Dana Center offers in-depth resources for daily instruction, units and assessment for math and science.

Quest Learning & Assessment is an online homework and testing resource with a bank of 100,000 high-quality STEM questions and is used by 400 US high schools on a not-for-profit basis.

Microsoft has a variety of free curricula focused on math, STEM skills, and computer science.


The Texas Podcast Network features all of the podcasts created across the UT Austin campus.