Our Summer Intern Program is a nationally competitive STEM experience for high school students. Interns will learn how to interpret NASA satellite data while working with scientists and engineers in their chosen area of work, including astronomy, remote sensing, and space geodetic techniques to help understand Earth systems, natural hazards and climate science.
- Programs for10th Grade, 11th Grade
- STEM FocusScience, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics Keywords: Engineering, Research, Robotics, Astronomy, Earth and Environmental Science
- LanguageEnglish
- Audience ReachNationwide
- Scholarships AvailableNo
- Accepting UT VolunteersUndergraduate Students, Graduate Students, Faculty, Staff
- Sponsor or FunderThe SEES High School Summer Intern Program is funded through NASA Cooperative Agreement Notice NNH15ZDA004C and is a part of NASA’s Science Activation program. For more information, go to: https://science.nasa.gov/learners