The Engineer Your World (EYW): Community Applications of Engineering Design course expands opportunities for all students by building creative problem-solving and engineering design skills; teaching the value of collaborating to solve complex, modern problems; and creating a strong foundation for future STEM learning. This authentic, project-based engineering course in which students work in teams to identify and solve a problem in their community. It allows students to apply the engineering skills and habits of mind they learned in previous EYW courses and to integrate and apply math, science and communication skills to a meaningful, real-world project.
What do students do in EYW: Community Applications of Engineering Design?
Students experience the power of engineering design by working to solve a problem that they identify and are motivated to pursue in their community. In the process of engaging in authentic engineering practices, they will create a portfolio of their work, design a solution, and present their results to stakeholders.
The units of EYW: Applications align with the steps of the engineering design process that students learned and employed in EYW: Design. EYW: Applications is appropriate for all students who have completed EYW: Design. While this is a great course for students who are interested in pursuing engineering as a career, we believe that all students can benefit from applying the engineering design process at a larger scale and making a difference in their community. Student portfolios can be a great addition to a college application or professional portfolio.
The annual curriculum licensing fee includes:
* comprehensive instructional materials
* student assessments
* access to instructional support specialists
* ongoing academic year teacher support
- Programs for9th Grade, 10th Grade, 11th Grade, 12th Grade
- STEM FocusEngineering Keywords: Engineering
- LanguageEnglish
- Additional Audience InfoFemale/Girl, Gifted and talented, Title IX, Male/Boy, Students with disabilities
- Audience ReachInternational
- Scholarships AvailableNo
- Accepting UT VolunteersUndergraduate Students, Graduate Students, Faculty